Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Sunyi nyew skg,,kedengaran bunyik kipas..bunyik aq kunyah cuwingum dentynE ..burong gagak ngn lagu yg aq pasang..BREAK UR HEART..TAIO CRUZ~mmg heartbreaker tul..cilake nyew lagu..Huhu.. da leh happy sikit..ta byk pon..hohoO..walaopon masih teringat kat kne la biasew2 kan idop aq tanpe dye..huk3… byk mende yg aq blaja slain dr chenta still ad mmbe2…wani…santi..eila yg slalu ad ngn aq skg~hehe,,maceh kowunk..sayunk kowg sgt2.. hohoOo..kpd alif n santi..jgn la gado2..aiyarkk,,ingat pesan mama..wani kemarok chenta ngn anif dye..smoge jodoh berpanjangan..amin..hahaha…eila…jage la wadi eh..wadu la..warie la…wara..warak..wasabi…tah papew la..lantak la nme kowg..hehe..hahaa..pas na blah...tdow ah~nantOk siud..huUu..

Friday, July 23, 2010


lost in thought
lost in love
lost in death
lost without love
lost lost lost
im always lost
lost in with the love im with
lost in this world
lost in the way of life
lost in the way we are
lost in the way of crooks
lost lost lost
why is everbody lost
in this world im lost

BosaN sEoRanG stUdeNt..

Moody....hmm..bored..sad..ase maw nanges pon ad..huarghh!!macam na g depan beranda jew ..nak teriak..huk3..mmbe aq jew on9 sowg2 dok on9 layan feel..bawu jew bayo berukband neyh..dats y on9..on9..on9,,!aiyark...haha..Esok..apew la aq na uat...urmm...biasew nyew ujung2 minggu neyh aq lek uma makcik aq...layan lak x lei na on..tah tataw npe..hurm..Bosannnn!!jadi asan bOsan lak..hahaha...menanti putera idaman...sapew la agak2 nye eh..haha..skg dok layan lagu DEAR GOD lak..huhu...paling ske part neyh...hayati ler..

"Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around
when I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
But I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again"

sgt sedih pulak...bilew teringatkan someone uh..
huhu...pena skali dye anta lirik lagu tang part neyh kat aq..adoiyaii...
rinduu!! erk...!da lewat neyh...bilew la aq na lelapkan mata...erm..yg len da lena
dibuai mimpi..jap g bangon la dowg uh alao bosan n lapOo..huahaha...esok..
aq maw perabiskn sabtu aq dgn tidoww!!tidow cukop2!haha..!!

Monday, July 19, 2010


Sendirian aku susuri pantai yang memutih..meninggalkan jejak , sesekali bayu menyapa ke muka..langkah tetap ku teruskan..biar aku sendirian ,mengayun seribu kepayahan..melodi unggas sesekali membangkitkan jiwa ..dan.. aku terus memandang ke hadapan..mencari sejuta keindahan..dalam mengejar ..satu kemenangan..Bila aku berjalan menyusuri pantai..hanya kedengaran bunyi ombak dan sayup2 bunyi burung senja.memecahkan kesunyian yang amat sgt... sepi yang ku rasa ini amatlah menyeksakan..ingin saja aku teriak kepada matahari supaya jangan pergi..jangan biarkan kegelapan menyelubungiku malam ini..kerna aku tak ingin berada dalam kegelapan..jika matahari pergi jua..malam..kirimkan aku bintang2 yang terang cahayanya..agar malam ku tidak suram..kirimkan juga aku pari2 syurga..agar aku tidak kesepian malam ini..jika aku bermimpi sesuatu yang indah..sepertinya aku tak ingin bangun esok pagi..jika mentari muncul esok pagi..berikanlah aku kekuatan lagi agar aku dapat menjalani hari2 ku tanpamu ...jika harusku biarkan kau pergi..terpaksa aku relakan kau pergi..


i Love ody so much~muhd izanuddy ~
The meaning of love is found in the word "unconditional". Loving someone
through their flaws and all. Accepting and embracing each others differences and
compromising with their offerings. Love happens only once in a life....
If you fell in love the second time then the first love you fell in was infact just an infactuation......
Love happens when you realised that you are worth for the love you are being offered.....
love is when you care for someone, when you feel something for him deep inside your
heart and love is when you think you can do anything for him If you truely love him .
Love is not just cutting your hand and washing blood all over your body, love is trusting
the one you love .once the letter T is removed from the word Trust, it becomes Rust and i
t cannot be replaced the whole life .thus Love is only CARING AND TRUSTING the one you love .
Love is reality not illusion.